Tuesday, April 24, 2007

GMA Week 2007 - Tuesday Morning Videos

Featured Video: Steve Curtis Chapman

Steven performs his new song "Cinderella"(get out the tissues!)

Other Videos:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was at the gym working out... just finished a 5K run on the treadmill and decided to tune in to WRBS on my media player for some reason.

I tuned in just before Stephen Curtis Chapman played his new song "Cinderella".

I was lifting 20 pound dumbells, staring at myself in the mirrored walls. I started to cry thinking about my Cinderella who loves her Poppa and loves dressing up in her princess dresses too.

Then I felt like the dumbell. I felt like the dumbell for all the "important" work trips I had to take. I felt like a dumbell for not giving my family 100% of me. I felt like a dumbell for not honoring my God, my Savior, in everything I do.

I took a shower and cried some more. I thanked God for my amazing wife and children.

My calling, my vocation is to be husband and father. Lord, I pray that you give me the strength and courage to honor you in all I do. I give all of me to you and my family.

I think he wrote that song just for me! Thanks, Stephen! Thanks Tracey, Mike, and Dave!
